対談 猪瀬市子(陶芸家) / 小棚明生(盆栽師)

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11月5日㈮18:00- 8名 
Little TAO (中目黒3-1-#102 THE GARAGE)

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About SOIL。共通項は土。クレイであったりアースであったり。それぞれの土への思い。


猪瀬市子 Ichiko Inose/陶芸家



小棚 明生 Akio Kotana / 盆栽師
昭和58年 5月10日 葛飾生まれ埼玉育ち。 
盆栽村 芙蓉園で修行後、同園にて職人として勤務。全国から集まる多種多様な樹種を手掛ける。 工業高校、工業大学でロボティクス、エレクトリクスを学ぶが、盆栽の世界に興味を持ち一念発起。 大学を中退し盆栽界に飛び込む。 
2021年4月より、NHK趣味の園芸 盆栽の記事を執筆中。


Ichiko Inose(ceramist) / Akio Kotana(bonsai master)

November 5th ㈮ 18: 00-
* We are planning live streaming.

Ichiko Inose / Ceramic artist
She was born and raised in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, the hometown of Mino ware. She is not limited to ceramic art, but is active in a wide range of activities such as playing with children in clay therapy and kindergarten, holding ceramic art workshops, and drawing pictures. 

While she lived in Morocco, she held an exhibition of three Japanese women and was featured in the local media. The exhibition, which she had planned to visit, was canceled due to the corona sickness, and she returned to Japan at the request of the government. She opened her kiln in Gifu.

Akio Kotana / Bonsai Master
Born May 10, 1983 in Katsushika, Tokyo and raised in Saitama.
After training at Bonsai Village Fuyoen, he worked as a craftsman at the same garden. He works on a wide variety of tree species from all over the country. 

He studied robotics and electronics at a technical high school and a technical university, but he became interested in the world of bonsai and started his career. He drops out of college and jumps into the bonsai world.
Since 2014, he has been a lecturer and care supporter at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum.
Since April 2021, he has been writing an article about gardening bonsai, which is an NHK hobby.

Author Little TAO